Tournament Green Books

Tournament Green Books
Since our first books were used on tour we have been striving to improve our product. Week after week we've been making improvements based on the feedback from players and hours of testing and research.
Our current Green Books reflect the fact that different players have different green reading techniques and so we offer a range of different types of books.
For example - some players use or are familiar with putting systems like AimPoint or have just practiced using percentage fall information. These players are better able To understand slope with these percentage numbers and so there are versions with these numbers present.
Other players don't want or use this numbered information and prefer the 'cleaner look' of a book without numbers
Other players want more detailed information and we do a book for them with more arrows especially in the flatter areas.
One of the physical limitation for our Green Books is the physical size of the book so it can fit in a players pocket. We are now working on a book which is focused in on the areas around pin positions and we're calling this our PinZone publication.